Types of nuts

Nuts include almonds, Brazil nuts, cashews, hazelnuts, macadamias, pecans, pine nuts, pistachios and walnuts. All of them come from trees and grow in a shell.

You can buy them shelled or unshelled. It is just a matter of convenience.

Be careful when you buy them unshelled or in a jar. Usually they have been roasted and salt was added. They are not healthy anymore. Their content in calories has increased by approximately 30 calories per 100 g and there is at least 300 mg difference in the salt content between salted and non-salted nuts.

Units Almonds raw Almonds oil roasted with salt Almonds dry roasted with salt
Calories kcal 578 607 597
Fat g 51 55 53
Sodium g 1 339 339

Some nuts are ground into butter: almond butter is the most consumed.
Nut butters can be used as a replacement of the butter and jam on breakfast toasts or added to your sandwich.

Realized by Laurence LIVERNAIS-SAETTEL, dietitian
© Copyright L. Livernais-Saettel 2002
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